stop naggin me, you people!!!!!!!!
what a way to open a post, eh?? sorry....forgive me.....just haven't had the gumption to write/type/think/be my charming witty self on busy at work...winter know how it is....& what about the camera???????????????????? ok, well I'm bringin it to work tomorrow to see if an ex photographer can take a look & let me know how to take a pic.....ok??? ya'all happy now???
and not fer nuthin but some of you don't even have yer own blogs so you shouldn't be naggin me now should ya?? don't be haters!!!!! (I love that line, always cracks me up!!!!)
my friend kathy was nice enough to take the fiber trends southwest shawl I made out of lite blue ambrosia, home to block it for me......wait till you see's gorgeous, no really!!!! it's still in on the guest bed until I can snap a photo.
maddie, my newest family member, the golden mix is just the most precious lil sweetie smart, so well behaved, so housebroken...all good things! she chases kitty kitty but kitty kitty hisses & chases her right back...hedda & lolly here I tell you. I am much blessed w/my babies.
yesterday while just hangin out & goofin off I knit a hat....just round & round k1 p1...some pretty hand dyed wool in brownsy autumn colors....I maybe should wear it 1 of these days...coulda worn it this morning when it was 19 degrees & I was scraping the ice off the car...damn, I love northern arizona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but you see I recently got a haircut & didn't wanna mess up my doo....that's just how it goes.
tomorrow night is knit night at the shop.....missed it for the past 3 weeks w/the holidays & all....should be lotsa fun....deb, the owner, is such a sweetie pie...which reminds me!!!! I better tell her to order a bunch of those cookie a. sock books that will be out in april!!!!! remind me somebody!!!!!
ok, that's enough. I wanna knit on my sox for a bit....I have been depriving them of me for way too long...maybe I'll write again tomorrow...we''ll be good & go to bed.