Tuesday, May 20, 2008

back again!!!!

hi guys, yes I'm here!!!! alive & well......man, this heat is a killer....gonna be in the 90's today...they say back to the 70's by thursday tho...can't wait!!!!

Eve, thanks for the Jaywalker tip...I've heard nuthin but good things about those sox so I shall give them a try!!!

wabbit, I'm really so glad the sox fit you!!!!

sandie, hopefully I'll get my camera to work (wish me luck) & finally post a pic or 2!!!!!

maggie, I hope you settle in nicely in san diego...I know you've missed being there.

kim, are you surprised to see me !!!!!?????


Maggie said...

heat hu??? it's about 2:15 pm ....i'm sitting outside w/my laptop wearing my sweater made of berroco pleasure, nice and toasty....it's in the 60's here.....miss hearing from you, but then i've had little time for being on line...... glad ur postig......drop me a line at my gmail addy if you please, hey! DO IT EVEN IF YOU DON'T PLEASE....PLEASE!!!!! MISS YOU, DON'T MISS ONE SQUARE INCH OF AZ!

Anonymous said...

suprised? that's an understatement! and it only took me what, 3 weeks to realize you'd posted something new?

keep it up! i love checking out your new blog posts!

Wabbit said...

But Ollie! It's only been about 3 months since you posted last. Post more!

Hi, Maggs and Kimi! I miss you all, my diva girls!

Shelby said...

Hi- Just saw your comment on the sp12 blog. Who was your hostess?? e-mail me at shelbyATbidwellfamilyDOTnet and I'll try to help you figure out what's going on here.

Anonymous said...

About time, and I find it a month after it's done. Which goes to prove you are still not here that often. LOL


Wabbit said...

OK, Ollie. It's been two months. Time to post again!!!