Monday, July 16, 2007

it's raining it's pouring

I love the rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thunder & lightning in the distance romantic!!!!!

almost finished w/joe's bamboo/wool sox....I knitted the foot until it was exactly 10-1/2" long & then I did the short row heel...I never saw such a long sock in my life!!! but it's almost done now; just working on the ribbing for the cuff.

I have been at a friend's house since last week, babysitting her pets & 2 daughter's while she is away. they are coming home tomorrow & then I will be home knitting away & hopefully posting more regularly...I have the laptop, now all I need is internet service....a minor challenge!


Anonymous said...

i was just considering sending you an email to berate you into updating your blog! and lo, what do i find when i arrive? an update! oh glorious update!

we got rain too, and it was awesome! thought a few trees were gonna go down. no such luck. maybe tonight!

okay woman, get that connection, and a nice digital camera while you're at it. we need picture-heavy blog posts and we need em now!!!!!!

you know your mission, now go!

Ollie said...

yes soon as I can!!!

Anonymous said...

So, you managed to survive the baby sitting, eh? Good for you. Hope the kids and the critters didn't maul you too much. hahahaha

Congrats on the laptop. I agree with Kimi. Get hooked up and then get that camera. You can't wait for Joe all the time. Time to strike out on your own. haha

Have a great weekend. :)

N. Maria said...

I love the rain, too!
I want pictures, too!